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Any edgar company can data convert your files. We do more – we are an extra set of eyes, always looking over your files to ensure a correct filing. Consider us your personal service team always ready to support your SEC Filing Service and reporting needs.

Why Choose Global One?

All Work Done In US

GlobalOne‘s operators are all U.S. based, educated and knowledgeable about everything EDGAR, SEDAR and XBRL. We are not just edgarizers. Our knowledge of the SEC system and our efficiency working with your filings have made us an industry leader, unsurpassed in customer service. 

We offer personal service to anyone in your company that needs help in filing or word processing. Our clients rely on our expertise to enhance and add value to what they need to file. We do more than just data convert.

This is critical for communication, timeliness and most of all security. You have no control over anything sent out of the U.S. for processing.

Customer Satisfaction

We offer nothing but excellence to our clients, from start to finish. We are always available to make your life easier.

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